Battle Realms Wiki

Population is the quantity of people one village can hold.


1 unit equals 1 population score. The more units are produced, the slower the peasants generation rate in their peasant huts.

Population types[]

The maximum population is defined by the game settings:

  • 20 - Low Population.
  • 30 - Medium Population.
  • 40 - High Population.
  • 50 - This population is unique and only appears in the last mission of Kenji's Journey - Dragon Road.

Peasant Generation Rate (PGR)[]

The population directly influences the PGR and vice versa. The PGR becomes slower as more peasants come out of the peasant huts. So the more units one has under control- the slower other peasants come out.

Once the population reaches its maximum, the peasants huts stop generating peasants until the total number of units reduces.


  • Wolves and horses are not affected by population.
  • Zen Masters and summoned units count as units affected by population.
  • It is possible to speed up PGR by building more peasant huts.[1]


  1. The proof of that statement can be seen in this video.